As I mentioned previously, while visiting my mom, I stitched while my husband played carpenter. So this is where I am on Mary Wigham. I'm still a couple of weeks behind the downloads, but that doesn't bother me. I'm really enjoying myself. I seem to have remembered how to count and therefore gotten over the unstitching binge.
And my husband, the engineer, has turn out to be a pretty good, if slow carpenter! Now the back stoop at my mom's house is large enough to allow you to open the door without stepping down one step. And the steps are wide enough that the old, blind-in-one-dog can go up and down them sideways. Unfortunately, I was enjoying the finished product so much that I forgot to take a picture. Oops. But you get the drift.
I am a retired software engineer and needlework shop owner. I'm married and currently have two pug babies, Otis and Puggy. I try to stitch every day...make that I NEED to stitch every day. I also make beaded needlework accessories and sell them in needlework shops and on-line at