Monday, January 10, 2011

January Challenge - My Version

As you may have noticed, I haven't started anything new yet this year! Just the thought of 15 WIPs makes my brain hurt. That's a side effect of being left-brained, I guess. However, I did start my 2011 stitching list. "Margaret Gatis" from Scarlet Letter is the only WIP on it...maybe because it's the only one I have! I started it in 2009 sometime, I think, but got sidetracked by some other piece which had a deadline. Or maybe it was the stitching over 3 threads that sent me over the edge. You have no idea how frustrating it is to stitch over 3 threads unless you've actually tried it.

In any case, when I finished my class model last Friday, I didn't have anything new kitted up yet. So I pulled out MG, unenthusiastically remembering the 'over 3' thing. Much to my surprise I had stopped in the middle of a lovely 'over 2' band. So it must've been a birthday or Christmas gift that caused me to put it away.

 I love working on 40 count linen because whether you're using silk or cotton, you only have to use one strand. No railroading or laying tool required. It's a really big piece (8" x 26" on 40 count) so I'll probably lay it down again at some point to work on another deadline piece, but I'm enjoying it right now. And that's what counts.